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Lara Marek

"Empower your Mind, Transform your Life"

It is my heart's mission to empower busy moms and beautiful souls like you

to live your best life now.


Hi! I am Lara, nice to meet you!

Hi there, I am Lara, a mindset coach and certified hypnotist.
I specialize in guiding busy individuals just like you, to reach their full potential through the transformativ power of coaching & science-backed hypnosis.


As a mother of two, I understand the challenges of juggling responsibilities while seeking personal growth.

That is why it is my heart's mission to empower busy moms and other beautiful souls to achieve balance, confidence, happiness and success - no matter their cirumstances


Snapshot of who I am

I am your partner in personal transformation, guiding you toward balance and success.

I blend expertise, experience, empathy, neuroscience and therapeutical Hypnosis to empower change. 

Here is why & how I can support you on your journey:

My Expertise & Approach

Certified Hypnotist & Coach

Proper education is the foundation of meaningful personal transformation. I am fully equipped to guide you on your journey to lasting change.


I bring multiple years of experience in personal transformation, supporting my clients in reaching their full potential.

Scientifically Backed Approach

I am using a proven, neuroscience-backed approach that helps yourelease mental blocks and reach your goals faster.

Coaching Relevant Education

2024 / 2025: Soul. Master. Mind. - Coach, Trainer, Speaker Program

              2023: NGH Certified Hypnotist

              2023: Animal Communication Certification

2021 - 2023: Transformational Coaching Program

2019 - 2021: Women in Negotiation Program

2007 / 2008: Mediation Essentials


Additionally, I hold a BsC in Business Information Technology and a Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Business Administration.​

Career Mom of 2 Kids, 5 Cats & a Hamster

As a busy mom balancing a corporate career, running my own business and managing a houshold, I get how hard it is to juggle family, work and personal growth.

I’ve been there, and I’m here to help you thrive through it all.

Who I work with

Personalized Support

Whether you prefer 1:1 coaching, self-paced learning or transformative workshops,
I’ve got you covered.

All of my services are available online, making them easy to access from anywhere, anytime.

Private Clients

Inspired by my own journey, I specialize in confidence-building, stress management, and personal growth, with a focus on empowering busy moms to achieve long-term transformation.

Corporate Clients

As an experienced workshop facilitator, I deliver impactful workshops and keynotes, primarily focusing on stress management and mental well-being.

I also offer specialized sessions for women on empowerment and confidence-building.

Mission, Vision & Social Responsibility

Giving Back

Cats hold a very special place in my heart.

That is why 1% of all sales go to a Swiss organization dedicated to helping cats in need.

Mission & Vision

It's my heart's desire to support beautiful souls in breaking free from the cycle of stress, exhaustion and self-doubt.

I am dedicated to helping you move away from feelings of anger, frustration, shame, guilt and lack of recognition.

My vision is to guide you in unlocking your true potential, so you can lead a life filled with fullfillment, balance and joy.

Safe & Affordable

Your safety is my top priority.

There is no way you can do anything wrong during our session.

Your committed is key to getting the results you dream of.


Currently, my services are offered at very affordable rates. But please note that prices will increase in the future.

Right now you receive exceptional value while still benefiting from a cost-effective investment in your personal growth. 

Trust me, cross the bridge with me, coaching

Are you ready to transfrom your life?

Let's get started! Book your free discovery call today, and let's explore how coaching & hypnosis can unlock YOUR potential.

book a free discovery call

Who I used to be...


A few years ago, I was where you might be today.


Despite the intense pressure at work, I chose to start a family in 2013 and returned to work just four months after giving birth.​


My early years of motherhood were rough...


The lack of sleep, the pressure at work and the expectations from my partner, family and society weighed heavily on me.


At that time, my firstborn was very attached and difficult sleeping patterns. To top it off, I struggled with health issues, frequently falling ill.



Yet I kept pushing myself beyond my limits. I took on extra work to prove I could handle it (and I did!), although it meant that I had to work 60+ hours a week in my 9-to-5 job.



Despite my efforts, I was neither considered for promotion nor given a salary raise for years!



I also balanced caregiving (hello mental overload!) and houshold chores.


Yet, there was little to no recognition for all that I did. Not at the workplace. Not at home.


Long story short: I was overworked and felt undervalued.


This left me extremely frustrated, disillusioned and on the brink of burnout.


I found myself increasingly irritable, close to tears and resorting to shouting as a way to cope with the stress of parenting. For sure it was not easy to be around me...


 It became clear that something had to change. I just couldn’t continue on this path of constant overwork and lack of appreciation.


This realization marked the turning point: either I would break or I would change.


Giving-up was never an option.

I always KNEW that life holds more for me.


Why Coaching is Powerful

After overcoming significant challengs, I knew a change was necessary.


And this is why in 2019, I took a courageous step by investing in coaching for the first time. What I initially thought was just about negotiating my worth turned out to be the beginning of a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.


discovered the profound impact of having a coach to uncover blind spots, harness the power of brain training and be held accountable - going far beyond what I had anticipated initially.​


I'll be honest: it was hard work and at the beginning I often moved one step forward and half a step back.

At that time, I was unaware of the power of hypnosis and relied solely on coaching.


Yet, as I embraced coaching, the world around me began to transform.


The steps I took led to the promotion and salary raise I was seeking and shortly after I landed the job I had always dreamed of which included another promotion and again a substantial salary raise.

Despite these successes, something still felt missing. I still felt broke inside which kept me from being the mom, partner and friend I wanted to be.


It wasn't until I discovered the power of hypnosis, when I quantum leaped my transformation from the inside out.​​

Why Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis taps into your subconscious mind, where PROFOUND transformation takes place.  By guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, hypnosis helps bypass mental barriers, allowing you to release limiting beliefs, manage stress and build confidence.​​


During our sessions, we will combine the power of coahing with the power of hypnosis, blending into an unique experiene to create long-lasting change. Whether you are facing challenges with stress, self-confidence, imposter syndrome or mental clarity, hypnosis is a gentle yet powerful tool for achieving your goals; even those you thought were out of reach and never dreamed possible.


Scientific research from prestigious institutes like Harward and Stanford. has shown that the mind's focus during hypnosis is signicicantly enhanced, making it an exceptionally effective method for personal growth that positively impacts both your career and personal life.​


What you learn during our time together becomes an integral part of you - you can't unlearn it. 

​You will always be equiped with these insights, no matter what your future holds.


Inspired by my own journey, it is my heart's mission to blend the best of coaching and hypnosis, providing a shortcut to success and empowering more women to follow their dreams.


I just know, that the unique combination of coaching and hypnosis has the potential to transform your life as it did mine!

What to expect from working with me


As a certified Hypnotist, experienced coach and Senior Business and IT Project Manager in the Financial Industry - where I successfully lead multiple multi-million-figure projects with great joy -

I am walking the same path as you:


Balancing the demands of corporate life with the joys and responsibilities of motherhood, while nurturing a loving relationship with my partner.


I understand the unique pressures you face, especially when striving for balance and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.

I am here to guide you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future by helping you to release emotional blocks and attract all the good things you desire and deserve.

Our work together begins with a discovery session where we explore your vision, goals and deepest desires.

We will consider you as a whole person, adressing both your career and personal life.


Based on that conversation, I tailor a series of coaching sessions that include hypnosis designed to adress your unique needs.

This combination allows us to effectively release limiting beliefs (those that keep you stuck) and empower personal growth.


My goal is for you to feel more confident, balanced and clear-minded after each of our sessions.

Hypnosis provides immediate relaxation of your mind and body, as well as long-term change. This is making it an ideal tool for deep transformation and lasting shifts in your life.



I am excited to get to know YOU!

Love & Light always


Lara Marek


Let's discuss what is
possible for YOU

book a free discovery call

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